A message from God about my walk along the path of life, and along it, a discovery of an anthem for my soul.
A story of Gods incredible power of restoration, that can transform a dead and desolate land within our hearts into a flourishing garden of life.
This is my attempt to express how I have noticed how much technology has taken over our lives, and how it has jeopardised our own humanity which we forsake just to make another post, just to watch another video on our feed, just to...
I always felt funny filling out the ‘Tell Us More About Yourself’ sections in dating websites because it seemed impossible to truly describe myself in a little box.. it seemed so shallow, so meaningless.. so this was an attempt to describe myself to others with a bit more meat on the bones.
This is a poem expressing some of the lessons I have learnt about love and pain in the past, and about how some people can so easily play with feelings and a heart, and completely forget that loving someone is more than a game, more than a truth or dare contest, and often, when one dares to lie and hide ones shameful passed actions from their partner for the fear of losing them, it will be that lie that will eventually be the reason you loose them. Mistakes and past actions mean nothing to a loving heart, but a lie is what shatters it.