Gifted by heaven, called from above.
Raised through resurrection, saved by his blood.
Hello and welcome to Awakened Arts!
My name is Greg Megaw, and this is a place filled with pure freedom of expression displayed through art and poetry. It is not just a website, but rather, it is a canvas upon which to make words come to life. It was born out of love, gifted to me by the one who died for our sins and was ressurected to new life, a life that I now get the privilege to share.
Let me take you on a journey, a voyage into the deepest ocean of my thoughts and emotions, a flight through the rasberry clouds of my passion and wildest desires, a decent down the cliffs of my most trecherous fears and then on into the caves of my darkest heartaches. and at its core, my faith in Christ Jesus and the beliefs on which I stand.
This is me, and this is my expression.
Hot off the press!
Check out the latest poem released on Awakened Arts below -